Macro, symbole de soudure

Bonjour @tous
J’essaye de faire fonctionner cet exemple proposé par sw mais en vain,
J’arrive pas à avoir la représentation du nom du symbole (butt ou autre), le fichier bibliothèque de symboles est bien présent, bien pointé dans mes options, mais toujours rien
Si vous avez une idée, merci d’avance

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Insert Weld Symbol Example (VBA)
This example shows how to insert a weld symbol into a model.

' Preconditions:
' 1. Open public_documents\samples\tutorial\api\weldment_box3.sldprt.
' 2. Select a face, edge, or sketch segment for Weld Symbol insertion.
' 3. Open an Immediate window.
' Postconditions:
' 1. Inserts the specified ISO Weld Symbol.
' 2. Inspect the Immediate window.
' NOTE: Because the model is used elsewhere, do not save changes.
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Option Explicit

Sub main()

    Dim swApp                   As SldWorks.SldWorks
    Dim swModel                 As SldWorks.ModelDoc2
    Dim swWeldSymbol            As SldWorks.WeldSymbol

    Set swApp = Application.SldWorks
    Set swModel = swApp.ActiveDoc
    Set swWeldSymbol = swModel.InsertWeldSymbol3

    swWeldSymbol.SetFieldWeld swFieldWeldNone
    swWeldSymbol.SetPeripheral False
    swWeldSymbol.SetProcess True, "Process", True
    swWeldSymbol.SetStagger True
    swWeldSymbol.SetSymmetric swWeldSymmetric
    swWeldSymbol.SetText True, "Left", "BUTT", "Right", "Stagger", swWeldContourNone

    Debug.Print "Arc count: " & swWeldSymbol.GetArcCount
    Debug.Print "Arrow head count: " & swWeldSymbol.GetArrowHeadCount
    Debug.Print "Contour setting as defined in swWeldSymbolContourTypes_e: " & swWeldSymbol.GetContour(True)
    Debug.Print "Field weld setting as defined in swWeldSymbolField_e: " & swWeldSymbol.GetFieldWeld
    Debug.Print "Number of leaders on this weld symbol: " & swWeldSymbol.GetLeaderCount
    Debug.Print "Number of line segments in this weld symbol: " & swWeldSymbol.GetLineCount
    Debug.Print "Weld all around the contour? " & swWeldSymbol.GetPeripheral
    Debug.Print "Welding process indicated? " & swWeldSymbol.GetProcess
    Debug.Print "Reference box around the specification process text? " & swWeldSymbol.GetProcessReference
    Debug.Print "Stagger symbols above and below the line? " & swWeldSymbol.GetStagger
    Debug.Print "Weld symbol symmetry as defined in swWeldSymbolSymmetric_e: " & swWeldSymbol.GetSymmetric
    Debug.Print "Number of text items in this weld symbol: " & swWeldSymbol.GetTextCount
    Debug.Print "Number of triangles in this weld symbol: " & swWeldSymbol.GetTriangleCount
    Debug.Print "Extra leader line? " & swWeldSymbol.HasExtraLeader
    Debug.Print "Weld symbol is attached to a leaderline? " & swWeldSymbol.IsAttached

End Sub

Avec insertweldsymbol() de drawingdoc ça fonctionne

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